2024 NSSFC Project Application Information Session Held Successfully
To help our faculty members gain a deep understanding of the project application process for the National Social Science Fund Of China (NSSFC) and improve the quality of their application materials, the Research Department of HKUST(GZ) successfully held an information session for the NSSFC project application on February 29, 2024. We were honored to have Professor WEI Cheng from the School of Architecture at the South China University of Technology and the State Key Laboratory of Subtropical Building and Urban Science to provide valuable guidance and suggestions for our faculty members.
The information session attracted researchers and administrative staffs from various departments, including the Society Hub, Information Hub, College of Education Sciences, Institute of Education Innovation and Practice, Centre for Ethics Education and Contemporary China Studies, and the Office of the CPC HKUST(GZ) Committee. Professor WU Kaishun, Associate Vice-President (Research), also attended the information session and provided an overview of the University’s society sciences research and previous years’ project applications.
Subsequently, Professor WEI Cheng detailed the basic information, evaluation rules, application process and related matters of the NSSFC projects, and shared the writing skills of application materials and frequent questions. Professor WEI reminded the faculty members returning from overseas that the topic selection must align with the requirements of the project guideline and focus on the current major theoretical and practical problems encountered in the development of our country and society. The applicants were suggested to refer to a great quantity of literature closely related to the topics in writing the theoretical basis and literature review. Professor WEI’s in-depth explanation brought helpful information and inspiring thoughts to the attended faculty members and laid the foundation for them to apply for the NSSFC projects smoothly.
The Q&A session provided an opportunity for faculty members to ask questions, and Professor WEI patiently answered their queries, shared additional application techniques and experiences. He also offered "one-on-one" tutoring to help faculty members polish their application materials and improve their quality.
The 2024 NSSFC Project Application Information Session was the first tutoring activity for the social sciences research field held at HKUST(GZ). The University places great importance on the development and growth of faculty members in social sciences fields and encourages them to apply for and undertake more research projects funded by the national, provincial, and municipal governments. The Research Department will continue to organize high-quality training activities and provide professional services to our faculty members to advance the University’s social sciences research into a new stage.