Call for Posters and Audience | 2024 International Conference of Social Computing

Poster Submission Deadline: August 22nd

Registration Deadline: August 27th

Conference Overview

The 2024 International Conference of Social Computing (ICSC 2024) will be held at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) from August 30 to 31, 2024. The conference is jointly organized by the Urban Governance and Design Thrust (UGOD) of the Society Hub at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) and the National Laboratory for Computational Social Science and Governance at Tsinghua University. The theme of the conference is "AI, Human and Cities."

The 2024 International Conference of Social Computing will be hosting an academic poster exhibition on the evening of August 30th. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your research findings and exchange ideas with colleagues from around the world. We cordially invite scholars from all over the globe to submit their academic posters to this conference and join us in exploring the cutting-edge advancements in the field of social computing. More information about the conference and poster submission are as follows: Please note that All offline attendees are welcome to participate in the poster exhibition activity, and the submission of posters is voluntary.

Moreover, a workshop focusing on smart cities and geographic big data will be held on the afternoon of August 31st. Experts and scholars will share their thoughts, experiences and practices in smart community development, geographic data analysis as well as application of large language models in urban studies. It is hoped that this will provide inspiration and insights for researchers and professionals in related fields. Below is a brief instruction for the workshop.

Community Building: Smart Grassroots Governance and Community DevelopmentJar Der Luo罗家德 Professor at the School of Social Science of Tsinghua University
Geospatial Data Analysis(Using GeoDa)Ge Lin Kan阚林戈 Professor at the Urban Governance and Design Thrust of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
Large Language Models Used for Urban Studies(Using Lab)Chaosu Li李超骕 Assistant Professor at the Urban Governance and Design Thrust of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

Conference Guests

Guests invited from overseas institutions:

James EvansProfessor, DirectorDepartment of Sociology, University of Chicago, USA
Mirco MusolesiProfessorDepartment of Computer Science, University College London (UCL), UK
Steffen StaabProfessor, HeadDepartment of the Analytic Computing, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Xiaoming FuChair ProfessorInstitute of Computer Science, University of Goettingen, Germany
Dah Ming ChiuEmeritus ProfessorDepartment of Information Engineering, Hong Kong Chinese University, Hog Kong, China
Charles RahalAssociate ProfessorLeverhulme Centre for Demographic Science, University of Oxford, UK
Steven Jige QuanAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Environmental Planning / Urban and Regional Planning, Seoul National University, Korea
Xiaowen DongAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Engineering, University of Oxford, UK
Joshua JacksonAssistant ProfessorBooth School of Business, University of Chicago, USA
Douglas GuilbeaultAssistant ProfessorGraduate School of Business, Stanford University, USA
Yupeng LiAssistant ProfessorDepartment of Interactive Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China
Edward LeePhDSantaFe Institute, USA

Guests invited from domestic institutions:

Chinese NameEnglish NameTitleAffiliation
阚林戈Ge Lin KanProfessor, Thrust HeadUrban Governance and Design Thrust, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
罗家德Jar Der LuoProfessorSchool of Social Science, Tsinghua University
许彬Pan HuiChair ProfessorComputational Media and Arts Thrust, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
张子柯Zike ZhangProfessorCollege of Media and International Culture, Zhejiang University
于洋Yang YuProfessorSchool of Aerospace Science and Engineering, Beihang University
李文中Wenzhong LiProfessorDepartment of Computer Science, Nanjing University
汤庸Yong TangProfessorSchool of Computer Science, South China Normal University
陈阳Yang ChenProfessorSchool of Computer Science, Fudan University
来源Yuan LaiAssociate ProfessorSchool of Architecture, Tsinghua University
杨虎Hu YangAssociate ProfessorSchool of Information, Central University of Finance and Economics
韦立坚Lijian WeiAssociate ProfessorSchool of Business, Sun Yat-sen University
黄宏Hong HuangAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
胥帅Shuai XuAssociate ProfessorDepartment of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
李超骕Chaosu LiAssistant ProfessorUrban Governance and Design Thrust, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
周穆之Muzhi ZhouAssistant ProfessorUrban Governance and Design Thrust, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
曹瑞Rui CaoAssistant ProfessorUrban Governance and Design Thrust, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
 Gareth TysonAssistant ProfessorInternet of Things Thrust, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

Conference Agenda

August 30th (Friday)
8:00 - 8:30Check-in and Guest Reception
8:30 - 8:40Opening Ceremony
8:40 - 12:30Speech
14:00 - 17:45Speech
17:45-19:45Poster Exhibition & Dinner
August 31st (Saturday)
8:30 - 11:45Speech
11:45 - 14:00Lunch
14:00 - 17:00Workshop
17:00 - 17:15Closing Ceremony
End of Meeting

Poster Exhibition Introduction

The Academic Poster Exhibition is an integral part of the 2024 International Conference of Social Computing, scheduled on the evening of August 30th. We encourage all researchers and students with unique insights into artificial intelligence, human behavior, and urban development to participate. Through posters, you can share your research findings, promote academic exchange, and inspire new thinking.

- Theme: Relevant to the conference theme "AI, Human and Cities"

- Language: English

- Size: 60cm (width) x 90cm (height)

- Resolution: 300DPI

- Color Mode: CMYK

- File Format: Accepted file formats include ai(converted), psd, jpg, pdf

Submission Guidelines

- Poster Submission Deadline: August 22nd, 2024

- Poster Acceptance Notification Date: August 25th, 2024

- Online Submission: Please submit it through the conference registration website in the Conference Registration part.

Conference Venue

Offline Venue:

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

1 Doxue Road, Nansha District, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China

Online Participation:

Tencent Meeting Live Broadcast (Meeting ID will be sent to your email upon successful registration)

Conference Fees

Offline Participation (includes meals but excludes accommodation, includes poster exhibition but excludes workshop): Standard rate of 1000 RMB per person, Student rate of 500 RMB per person.

Online Participation (participation via Tencent Meeting, unable to join poster exhibition, unable to attend workshop): 400 RMB per person.

Additional Fees:

Workshop Participation: 500 RMB per person

Conference Registration

For this conference, registration is available through the following website, and the registration information will be kept strictly confidential. Payment methods and requirements are detailed on the registration website. The deadline for registration is August 27th. Registration website (for registration and poster submission):

Scan the QR code to register (for registration and poster submission):

Accommodation & Transportation


During the conference, it is recommended that attendees stay in the university guest rooms. Room options include single rooms (without balcony 260 RMB/day, with balcony 300 RMB/day), single room with study (360 RMB/day), two-bed room (360 RMB/day) three-bed room (480 RMB/day), etc. Additionally, there are off-campus partner hotels available for attendees to choose from, including Nansha Sheraton Hotel (南沙喜来登酒店), Nansha Mulian Zhuang Hotel (南沙木莲庄酒店) and Nansha Garden Hotel (南沙花园酒店, further from the university).

Friendly reminder: With the new school year approaching, school accommodation resources are limited. Please register early to secure a room for you.


Airports: Guangzhou Baiyun Airport, Shenzhen Bao'an Airport

Railway Stations: Qingsheng (庆盛)Station, Guangzhou South Station, etc.

Public Transport: Guangzhou Metro Line 4, Dongchong Station (东涌地铁站), the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) Station (bus station)

Taxi: Gate 1 of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

Contact Information

For inquiries, please contact us via email:

Or join the Wechat group by scanning the QR code:

Conference Background

Social Computing emerged from the significant advancements in complex evolutionary research facilitated by big data and artificial intelligence methodologies. It encompasses a range of techniques, from dynamic modeling, computer simulation, and complex network analysis to the construction of predictive models using machine learning and deep learning algorithms, the application of explainable AI to uncover theoretical insights, and the use of various algorithms to measure variables and validate theoretical models. The integration of these methods with big data and social science theories has given rise to a new field: Social Computing. Social Computing revolves around two core concepts: computation and sociality, which mutually promote and inspire each other. On the one hand, Social Computing focuses on how social research can contribute to computational research, such as social software design and social network recommendation algorithms. On the other hand, it explores how computational research can enhance social research, examining the developments brought about by the introduction of new data and methods into social science research.

The International Conference on Social Computing (ICSC) originated in 2016 from the "Network Analysis of Online Behavior Chicago-Tsinghua Conference" jointly organized by the Social Network Research Center at Tsinghua University and the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. In 2017, the conference hosted the annual meeting of the International Network for Social Network Analysis (SUNBELT) while also incorporating an online behavior agenda. In 2018, it was officially renamed the first International Conference of Social Computing and established the English journal Journal of Social Computing (JoSoCo), expanding the original academic circle centered on online behavior and complex network analysis. It brought together a group of domestic and international scholars interested in Social Computing, organizing annual conferences, establishing its own journal, and occasionally hosting lectures and providing training opportunities to broaden the influence of the domestic and international Social Computing field. Since then, the conference has been held annually (with one year canceled due to the pandemic).

Release date
14 Aug 2024
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