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Function Hub
Function Hub is a cross-disciplinary research platform including all research fields of science and engineering as well as the related applications. We welcome students with strong analytical mind from a diverse set of backgrounds.

To unlock the potential of basic elements in hard and natural sciences, and seek advanced and sustainable solutions to address real-world problems, thus benefitting mankind and the advancement of humanity.

To rigorously discover and comprehend the fundamental properties and characteristics of hard and natural sciences, and bring profound knowledge into an innovative process of merging and reassembling through continuous breakthrough and cross-disciplinary collaboration, and finally to champion the leading-edge ideas for practical advancements which make significant impact on society.
While the scope of cross-disciplinary research will serve the national development strategy and respond to market demand, Function Hub focuses in the near term on the following four thrust areas: Advanced Materials(AMAT); Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences(EOAS);
Microelectronics(MICS); and Sustainable Energy and Environment(SEE). And currently Function Hub offers four programs accordingly both in Master of Philosophy and Doctor of Philosophy.
Function Hub welcomes students with strong analytical mind from a diverse set of backgrounds. We will strive to provide an environment to facilitate collaboration among students and between students and faculty members across disciplines and across the Hubs. We aim to nurture graduates with independent mind, critical thinking skills, research capability, and relevant domain knowledge highly valued by the scientific, industrial, and technology communities.
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Thrust Areas
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