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Copyright © The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). All rights reserved
College of Education Sciences
College of Education Sciences (CES), under the Vice-President for Teaching and Learning, is the academic unit responsible for first and second-year undergraduate education, offering humanities, social sciences, language, and STEM courses. CES will conduct research in the fields of cognitive sciences and innovative pedagogy. CES also serves as the home unit for UG students before their program major is determined, providing students with academic-related services.
A "2+2" undergraduate talent cultivation method will be used at HKUST(GZ) to undertake undergraduate education in stages. For the first two years, students will not be separated into majors, and the learning content will mostly consist of general education courses and STEM fundamental courses. The College of Educational Sciences has been established by HKUST(GZ) to facilitate the seamless progression of undergraduate education and fully exploit the benefits of the Hub/Thrust Structure. There are five departments in the College of Educational Sciences, including:
- Pillar of General Education (PGE)
- Pillar of STEM Education (STEM)
- Pillar of Language Education (PLE)
- Pillar of Cognitive Sciences (PCS)
- UG Teaching Labs (UGTL)