(1) Academic Honor Code

HKUST(GZ) is a community designed for scholarship - for teaching, learning, and research. Academic integrity and honesty are critical values in upholding HKUST(GZ)'s reputation as a community of scholars and its claim to the "intellectual property" created by staff and students. All students who join HKUST(GZ) are therefore committed to an Academic Honor Code.

As Set Out in the Academic Honor Code:

  • Students must observe and uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty in all their work throughout their programs of study.
  • As members of the University community, students have the responsibility to help maintain the academic reputation of HKUST(GZ) in its academic endeavours.
  • Sanctions will be imposed if students are found to have violated the regulations governing academic integrity and honesty.

(2) Information on Handling Academic Misconduct

The University’s approach to cases of academic misconduct is fundamentally educational. The process for dealing with these cases is designed to enable students to better understand the nature of academic misconduct and the high standards of academic integrity that are expected. The sanctions available in confirmed cases of misconduct are intended to signal the importance that the University places on maintaining these high standards and to communicate this to students.

Staff should do their utmost to ensure that their students understand and conduct themselves in accordance with these standards.

Student Disciplinary Committee (SDC) is formed to discharge matters related to student discipline as defined in the Regulations for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity. including the investigation of allegations of student misconduct and student academic misconduct referred to the Committee in accordance with the Regulations, and with reference to sanctions of previous relevant cases. The Research Committee has responsibility to the investigation and verdict of alleged violations of research integrity under the HKUST(GZ) Policy on Research Conduct and Integrity.

30 Aug 2024