Students who cheat are likely to be caught. This is a very serious matter.
The case will go first to your Thrust/Pillar/Base. The Thrust/Pillar/Base can:
- Give a verbal warning or a written warning that will be held in your record until graduation
- Require you to take a make-up test / examination
- Require you to resubmit work contributing to an award
- Impose a lower grade for a component of the course assessment or a lower grade for the course including a fail in the course
- Require you to take a period of mentoring or instruction to help you make better ethical choices in the future
In serious cases, the Hub/College Dean or even the VPAA may be asked to review the case. The Hub/College Dean and the VPAA can impose additional sanctions – you may not be allowed to go on exchange, or get a scholarship, and a note may be made on your transcript. The most serious cases are referred to the Student Disciplinary Committee. The Student Disciplinary Committee can take away your eligibility for a degree; suspend you from the University, or simply dismiss you from the University.
30 Aug 2024