To ensure that the assessment of students through examinations is fair and that high standards of academic honesty are maintained, the University relies on the commitment of invigilators operating with the support of thrust/pillar/base. The following guidelines are developed based on existing guidelines of HKUST for the management of examinations. All staff responsible for the conduct of examinations should be familiar with these guidelines.

Thrust/Pillar/Base may institute additional requirements to maintain the integrity of examinations taking into consideration their own circumstances.

(1) On-campus Examinations

Appointment of Invigilators

  • The faculty member responsible for the course must be present at the examination. For examinations with more than one course-section, a Chief Invigilator should be appointed to coordinate the conduct of the examination.
  • Thrust/Pillar/Base must provide at least two invigilators for each examination venue and at least one invigilator per 50 examinees. As far as possible, these should include both male and female invigilators.
  • Invigilators should be teaching personnel: academic staff, language instructors, demonstrators, or postgraduate teaching assistants.
  • Thrust/Pillar/Base should establish a pool of invigilators sufficient to support all the examinations for which they are responsible.
  • To maintain accountability, thrust/pillar/base should keep a record of the assignment of invigilators to each examination.

Examination Papers and Stationery

  • The faculty member responsible for the examination must ensure the accuracy and confidentiality of examination papers.
  • The HKUST(GZ) Academic Honor Code should be reprinted on the front cover of examination answer books, followed by the Declaration of Academic Integrity as below for students to confirm before they proceed to the content of the examination paper.
  • It is good practice to number blank answer books to facilitate record keeping. The number of books returned should be the same as the number distributed.
  • Scratch paper, if provided, should be of a different colour from that of answer books.

Seating Plan

To prevent impersonation at examinations and facilitate checking of student ID cards, it is good practice to draw up a seating plan for each examination. This is particularly the case for large examinations.

Before the Examination

  • Examination venues are available 30 minutes before the start of examinations. Invigilators should arrive at the venue in sufficient time to post the seating plan, distribute question papers, answer books, scratch paper and other necessary materials.
  • Staff of the Academic Registry Services will provide a Class Roster, an Invigilator Log Sheet, a Report on Student Academic Misconduct, recommended Announcements to Students, and useful Contact Numbers.
  • Invigilators should allow students to enter the venue only when everything is ready.
  • Except for items explicitly permitted for the examination, all books, bags, papers, mobile phones and communication devices etc. must be placed so that they cannot be accessed, ideally at the front, rear or side of the room. Subject to permission of the invigilators and only where items are easily visible, these may be placed under desks and seats.
  • Examinees must place their student ID cards (Mainland China Residence I.D., Passports, Mainland Travel Permit for Hongkong, Macau and Taiwan Residents are acceptable only if the student ID card is not available) on the right-hand corner of their desk. Students without ID cards should be refused entry.

During the Examination

  • At least one invigilator should be in the room throughout the examination.
  • Before starting the examination, the invigilator should announce the time allowed for the examination and the number of questions for each examination paper, and should ensure that all examinees have a complete question paper, answer book and required stationery.
  • If there is a delay in the starting time, the finishing time may be extended.
  • Invigilators should note the name and time of arrival of late-comers on the Invigilator Log Sheet. Late-comers may not be given extra time for the examination.
  • In the first 30 minutes of the examination, examinees are permitted to leave the venue only in exceptional circumstances. After the first 30 minutes, students should not be admitted to the examination.
  • Invigilators should record student attendance using the Class Roster provided at the venue and verify students' ID cards to avoid impersonation.
  • Examinees may leave the venue to visit the washroom or for any other reason only with the permission of an invigilator and should be accompanied by an invigilator. Invigilators should ensure that the examinee does not take away, or return with, any papers, mobile phones or other items.
  • Invigilators should undertake regular monitoring of the examination.

End of the Examination

  • Examinees should not be allowed to leave the examination room during the last 15 minutes of the examination.
  • Examinees should be reminded to complete the necessary information on the front page of their answer books, including the statement of academic integrity.
  • All answer books, examination papers and supplementary sheets, whether unused or used for draft work should be collected. Examinees are permitted to remove printed or written materials from the examination room only with the permission of the examiner.
  • Examinees should not be allowed to leave their seats until all examination answer books and examination papers have been collected and counted.
  • Invigilators should complete and sign the Class Roster and the Invigilator Log Sheet. All irregularities, including names of late-comers, students taken ill during the examination, and incidents of cheating and misconduct, must be recorded on the Log Sheet.
  • Where there are irregularities, the Invigilator Log Sheet must be returned to the Academic Registry Services as soon as possible and in any circumstances within the grade reporting period.

(2) Online Proctored Examinations

The HKUST(GZ) Academic Honor Code should be presented on the landing page of online proctored examination sites, followed by the Declaration of Academic Integrity, for students to confirm before they proceed to the content of the examination paper.

(3) Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct

If an invigilator believes that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty in the examination, the following procedure should be implemented:

  • If the student admits the charge, the student should stop writing the examination and leave the venue. The invigilator should inform the student that the course offering unit will follow up the case. The invigilator should note the incident on the Report on Student Academic Misconduct, including any evidence on the act of academic dishonesty collected, and forward the Report to the course offering unit for action.
  • If the student denies the charge, the invigilator should draw a line on the examination script indicating the point when the act of academic dishonesty was found and allow the student to continue. After the examination, the invigilator should forward the Report on Student Academic Misconduct, including any evidence on the act of academic dishonesty collected, to the course offering unit for action.

Invigilators are authorized to expel students from the examination, if they discover cheating or repeated misconduct.

(4) Illness or Other Circumstances Affecting Assessment

(Academic Regulations: UG Regulation 7.5; PG Regulation 7.4)

If students wish the University to take into account illness or some other extenuating circumstances that have affected their performance in an examination, or ability to attend an examination, or to complete other assessment activities, they must report the circumstances of the case in writing and provide appropriate documentation to the Academic Registry Services within one week of the scheduled date of the assessment activity. The Academic Registrar will review the case and make a recommendation to the relevant Dean or the Dean’s designate.

(5) Retaining Examination Scripts

To provide for grade appeals, course offering units should keep their examination scripts for one academic year. After that, it shall be filed according to the notice of the Archives Management Department. However, as course offering units may see different needs for their students' examination scripts. If some course offering units cannot file on schedule, they need to hand over a directory list of examination scripts to the Archives Management Department, the final decision on how long examination scripts should be kept lies with the Archives Management Department. FOR ENQUIRIES: .

(6) Regulations and Examination Rules

The Regulations for Student Conduct and Academic Integrity indicate the roles and responsibilities of instructors, invigilators and students’ supervisors if they detect or suspect cheating, plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct; and which include Rules for the Conduct of Examinations as an Annex.

(7) Regulations & Guidelines on Examination

Academic Registry Services (ARS) has consolidated the Examination Regulations & Guidelines (Staff/ Students) and Guidelines on Class & Exam Arrangements in line with relevant guidelines in the CWB campus and practical operations in the GZ campus.

Students and staff are strongly recommended to thoroughly acquaint themselves with the regulations and guidelines. Each student should be well-informed about these provisions to ensure compliance and to facilitate a smooth examination experience.

30 Aug 2024