HKUST(GZ) is dedicated to establishing a modern standard for educational practices by motivating its faculty to adopt innovative instructional methods across different formats. Significant changes to pedagogy need to be documented within course or program proposals and must undergo a rigorous validation and approval process.

For alterations concerning undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) courses, consultation with the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (CUS) and the Committee on Postgraduate Studies (CPS) is advisable.

If the changes are structural and pertain to the program level, communication with the Senate Secretariat is recommended.

Any modifications involving blended learning approaches should go through the Institute of Education Innovation and Practice (IEIP) for endorsement prior to submission to CUS/CPS.

(1) Tri-modal Education Framework

HKUST(GZ) adopts HKUST‘s tri-modal educational approach to undergraduate education, the transformative effect of which was commended in the second audit cycle report, underpins curriculum design. The framework focuses on (i) providing flexible curricula with cross-disciplinary offerings, (ii) encouraging in-depth pursuits via honours and accelerated courses, and (iii) employing active learning to cultivate innovation via discussion, engagement and team-centric, student-led experiential courses.

The four-year undergraduate degree curriculum gives students greater flexibility to design their own study path where they can expand their intellectual horizons in a diverse set of subjects. With such flexibility in degree requirements, it is possible for students to take up second majors across disciplines or a wide range of minor programs in addition to their first major program.

The Common Core Program (CCP) emphasizes cross-disciplinarity, cultivates whole-person development, and enhances employability. It provides a common foundation in cognitive skillsets and behavioural habits, mindsets, and well-being, broadens students’ exposure outside their main academic disciplines, and engages students in experiential learning opportunities in research, teaching, practice or an area of societal need related to Sustainable Development Goals. Introducing a competency-based scaffolded structure, the CCP reinforces strategic priorities while continuously assessing multiple competencies crucial for employability, with the focus on inter- and cross-disciplinarity being integral to broader strategic priorities.

Accelerated courses are a key element in the tri-modal education framework that provides students with greater flexibility in managing their study pathway and also in taking greater challenges by taking courses with more rigorous academic contents that may better equip them for the pursuit of further studies or a research career in future. Accelerated courses have been developed in various subjects, both at foundation level and advanced level, to cater for students with demonstrated interests and capability to handle more rigorous academic contents and expectations of performance. Typically, the development of these accelerated courses has taken into consideration of the following elements:

  • Mechanisms to identify and encourage suitable students to consider such courses;
  • A curriculum that comprises special courses/sections to establish the necessary foundation to move forward more quickly and higher-level courses enabling students to achieve more advanced academic outcomes;
  • Additional demands set for graduation, possibly including a Research Option, UROP projects (or equivalent) and an individual graduating thesis;
  • Opportunities for additional teaching, supervision and mentoring by senior faculty;
  • Programs to enable these students to network and to gather for events focused on their academic and intellectual lives, possibly membership.

Experiential learning may provide students with more practicum/team‐based opportunities to broaden students' professional interests and exposure, and help students across different disciplines to learn in a real-life context and stimulate their creativity. Typically, learning experiences organized within this stream consist of the following elements:

  • Programs would last for at least a semester with assigned course codes, grant of credits (at least 3 credits are expected for these courses), agreed forms of assessment, and grading that can contribute to the fulfillment of degree requirements;
  • In order to encourage broad‐based learning and sharing of experiences, it is essential that students from all hubs/colleges can take these courses without registration barriers or pre‐requisites, with course contents specifically designed to accommodate students’ backgrounds to promote diverse and cross‐disciplinary learning;
  • The practicum‐oriented and team‐based courses would initially be instructed by faculty members and, later, self‐directed by students with faculty members retreating as coaches, advisors, mentors, or consultants; and
  • Experiential learning opportunities are provided by engaging students in external settings and activities such as competitions, community service projects, internships, or other endeavours. Hence, a typical course may take a Fall/Spring semester plus Summer to accomplish.

It is emphasized that the courses, as outlined above, are not to be confused with or to replace capstone courses (even though they can possibly be treated as a substitute for capstone courses) or existing co‐curricular courses. Over the past years, substantial progress has been made in integrating practicum and experiential-based opportunities into the undergraduate curriculum.

(2) Blended learning

If a new course with academic credits is to be offered through the blended learning mode or an existing course with academic credits to adopt the blended learning mode, the new course/ course change proposal should be reviewed by IEIP with a detailed description of the delivery pattern. With endorsement from IEIP, the proposals could be further considered by CUS/ CPS.

The detailed guidelines are under development by IEIP.

30 Aug 2024